23 Kasım 2008 Pazar

PodOmatic, webquest and delicious

A WebQuest is a learning activity that learners read, analyze, and synthesize information using the WWW. It is invented by Bernie Dodge and Tom March in 1995. Learners complete WebQuests as cooperative groups so it can be called social website. Because the learners do or analyze the information according to the steps, it might be easy for some people. Yet, for me it is not very easy to use. www.webquest.com
Podomatic.com provides the learners with the podcasting portal which users can share, mix, host and podcatch the podcast and mp3. A user can have a profile if he/she wants so that they can share and send the mp3s and podcasts to their friends. This website is becoming popular in education. For example, the users can learn a language by hearing it. At the same time, this website is free and user-friendly. www.podomatic.com

Delicious.com helps you to save the bookmarks and tag each of their bookmarks with a number of freely chosen keywords. Use of Delicious is free. The source code of the site is not available, but a user can download his or her data. All bookmarks posted to Delicious are publicly viewable by default, although users can mark specific bookmarks as private, and imported bookmarks are private by default. The public aspect is emphasized; the site is not focused on storing private ("not shared") bookmark collections. www.delicious.com

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